Do you extend your experience with a mobile device?
When attending an event such as a concert, a movie premier, a sports game, or a convention (or really anything else that can be considered an ‘event’) do you extend your experience there by using a mobile device in such a way as it pertains to the event you are attending (not distracting you from it but adding to it)?
If so, I’d like to know where you do this, what exactly it is you do, what do you do it with, and why you do it. It doesn’t have to be with a phone. It can be with any mobile input device (save for an actual laptop – though I’m not completely ruling this out yet). Feel free to comment or to email me [diana at].
August 28, 2008 @ 11:21 am
Yes, I’ve used my mobile device frequently at conferences to get more information on what I’m listening to, or to communicate with others at the conference on what’s happening at the time. I’ve done that at SXSW, BlogHer, etc.
My husband and I even had fun twittering our expereince at a Star Trek convention back to friends and family. But I also used my mobile device there to check out web pages for more information on some Star Trek related information, and to look for restaurants to go to after an event.