You’ve been data-mined
Yes, you, if you’re on the Internet in any capacity, you’ve been data-mined. This is especially true if you participate on any social media platforms. While you might have known this already, now you can see it!

Here is what Facebook thinks about me based on the data I have posted. Note, none of this data is data I have shared directly with them via any sort of survey or other personal research methodology.
This is all data that has been mined from my profile and posts I have made on the platform.
If you want to find this data out for yourself, log in to Facebook, go here and then expand the “Your Information” accordion heading. At the top you will see two navigation points, the second of which is titled “Your categories” and there you have it in all its glory.
While you’re there, take a moment to adjust your ad settings as well.
As I’ve said in several previous posts on Facebook, you pay for your access with your data. If you have children on Facebook, they do this with their data as well. Data is one of your most precious resources in this day and age. Do what you can to protect it or at least be vigilant about how it’s used and where.
Side note: Never in my life have I ever said anything or done anything with soccer. I have no idea where that came from!